Navdha Bhakti E-Swadhyay, Chaitra Navratri April 6th -14th
Post date: Apr 06, 2019 1:16:55 AM
Dear All,
On the auspicious days of Chaitra Navratri. We are having Swadhyay (by conference call) on "Navdha Bhakti" based on the lectures by Resp. Dr. Pranav Pandya. Navdha bhakti is a discourse given by Bhagwan Ram to Shabari. We will listen lecture everyday -
Starting from (April 6th-April14th) at Eastern time-9 PM to 10PM ( Central time is 8PM- 9 PM).
Please come by before 10 minutes, So we can start on time .
Mode of listening : Phone
Dial in Number : 712 770 4010
Participant Access Code: 226724#
Please Join and Be Inspired
Please feel free to share with your friends and family.
*6- mute or un mute
Hope to see you all