Well, here goes the free flow translation of the blessings / prayers / best wishes encapsulated in above Sanskrit verses. Some non-translatable words have been left in original form and italicized.
Let Ved Mata (Source of the Vedas), endow you with wisdom / Pragya and farsightedness/ / smarts and also enrich you with the ideal character,
Let Dev Mata (Mother of Devatas), make you self-dependent, self-confident, Sajjan and Astika who gets established in fullness of BrahmVarchas.
Let Vaishnavi, confer you the aspiration for bright future, intuitive affirmation for high-Ideals and trust in Ishvara.
Let Vishwa Mata (Source of the Universe), bestow you the conviction for higher duties, generous love and heighten your talents and will power.
Let Sarasvati, grant you the beauty and sweetness of behavior mixed with the affection and courtesy. And empower you with unwavering patience, contentment.